Load Data

import folium
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
import seaborn as sns

Load Data

data = pd.read_csv(
Unnamed: 0 block_id created_at tree_dbh stump_diam curb_loc status health spc_latin spc_common ... boro_ct state latitude longitude x_sp y_sp council district census tract bin bbl
221864 19575 107688 2015-09-13 11 0 OnCurb Alive Poor Pyrus calleryana Callery pear ... 1013600 New York 40.773402 -73.947079 9.989077e+05 221052.5156 5.0 136.0 1051194.0 1.015800e+09
328163 172248 213992 2015-10-14 9 0 OnCurb Alive Good Quercus bicolor swamp white oak ... 3072600 New York 40.631616 -73.933963 1.002579e+06 169398.2032 45.0 726.0 3214207.0 3.077480e+09
690511 483212 214423 2016-08-31 25 0 OnCurb Alive Good Platanus x acerifolia London planetree ... 3095600 New York 40.635410 -73.909161 1.009462e+06 170786.3448 46.0 956.0 3225006.0 3.080200e+09
290017 103200 349008 2015-10-06 7 0 OnCurb Alive Good Quercus palustris pin oak ... 4071303 New York 40.728232 -73.849770 1.025888e+06 204626.9553 29.0 71303.0 4051256.0 4.021340e+09
40867 557989 108216 2015-06-29 10 0 OnCurb Alive Good Styphnolobium japonicum Sophora ... 1016001 New York 40.785596 -73.953476 9.971335e+05 225494.2784 4.0 16001.0 1047404.0 1.015060e+09

5 rows × 45 columns

Data info

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 10000 entries, 221864 to 612369
Data columns (total 45 columns):
 #   Column            Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------            --------------  -----         
 0   Unnamed: 0        10000 non-null  int64         
 1   block_id          10000 non-null  int64         
 2   created_at        10000 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 3   tree_dbh          10000 non-null  int64         
 4   stump_diam        10000 non-null  int64         
 5   curb_loc          10000 non-null  object        
 6   status            10000 non-null  object        
 7   health            9545 non-null   object        
 8   spc_latin         9545 non-null   object        
 9   spc_common        9545 non-null   object        
 10  steward           2474 non-null   object        
 11  guards            1209 non-null   object        
 12  sidewalk          9545 non-null   object        
 13  user_type         10000 non-null  object        
 14  problems          3305 non-null   object        
 15  root_stone        10000 non-null  object        
 16  root_grate        10000 non-null  object        
 17  root_other        10000 non-null  object        
 18  trunk_wire        10000 non-null  object        
 19  trnk_light        10000 non-null  object        
 20  trnk_other        10000 non-null  object        
 21  brch_light        10000 non-null  object        
 22  brch_shoe         10000 non-null  object        
 23  brch_other        10000 non-null  object        
 24  address           10000 non-null  object        
 25  postcode          10000 non-null  int64         
 26  zip_city          10000 non-null  object        
 27  community board   10000 non-null  int64         
 28  borocode          10000 non-null  int64         
 29  borough           10000 non-null  object        
 30  cncldist          10000 non-null  int64         
 31  st_assem          10000 non-null  int64         
 32  st_senate         10000 non-null  int64         
 33  nta               10000 non-null  object        
 34  nta_name          10000 non-null  object        
 35  boro_ct           10000 non-null  int64         
 36  state             10000 non-null  object        
 37  latitude          10000 non-null  float64       
 38  longitude         10000 non-null  float64       
 39  x_sp              10000 non-null  float64       
 40  y_sp              10000 non-null  float64       
 41  council district  9902 non-null   float64       
 42  census tract      9902 non-null   float64       
 43  bin               9871 non-null   float64       
 44  bbl               9871 non-null   float64       
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(8), int64(11), object(25)
memory usage: 3.5+ MB

Missing values pie chart

missing_values_df = pd.DataFrame(data.isnull().mean() * 100, columns=["percantage"])
missing_values_df = missing_values_df[missing_values_df["percantage"] > 0]
health 4.55
spc_latin 4.55
spc_common 4.55
steward 75.26
guards 87.91
sidewalk 4.55
problems 66.95
council district 0.98
census tract 0.98
bin 1.29
bbl 1.29
fig = px.pie(missing_values_df, values="percantage", names=missing_values_df.index)
fig.update_layout(title="Процент пропущенных значений в данных", title_x=0.5)

features pairplot

Unnamed: 0 block_id created_at tree_dbh stump_diam curb_loc status health spc_latin spc_common ... boro_ct state latitude longitude x_sp y_sp council district census tract bin bbl
221864 19575 107688 2015-09-13 11 0 OnCurb Alive Poor Pyrus calleryana Callery pear ... 1013600 New York 40.773402 -73.947079 9.989077e+05 221052.5156 5.0 136.0 1051194.0 1.015800e+09
328163 172248 213992 2015-10-14 9 0 OnCurb Alive Good Quercus bicolor swamp white oak ... 3072600 New York 40.631616 -73.933963 1.002579e+06 169398.2032 45.0 726.0 3214207.0 3.077480e+09
690511 483212 214423 2016-08-31 25 0 OnCurb Alive Good Platanus x acerifolia London planetree ... 3095600 New York 40.635410 -73.909161 1.009462e+06 170786.3448 46.0 956.0 3225006.0 3.080200e+09
290017 103200 349008 2015-10-06 7 0 OnCurb Alive Good Quercus palustris pin oak ... 4071303 New York 40.728232 -73.849770 1.025888e+06 204626.9553 29.0 71303.0 4051256.0 4.021340e+09
40867 557989 108216 2015-06-29 10 0 OnCurb Alive Good Styphnolobium japonicum Sophora ... 1016001 New York 40.785596 -73.953476 9.971335e+05 225494.2784 4.0 16001.0 1047404.0 1.015060e+09

5 rows × 45 columns

data_sample = data.sample(n=50000, replace=True, random_state=42)
num_cols = data_sample.select_dtypes(exclude="object").columns.to_list()
['Unnamed: 0',
 'community board',
 'council district',
 'census tract',
data_sample = data_sample.drop_duplicates()

Correlation data

plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))

Tree mapping

# Make an empty map
m = folium.Map(location=[20, 0], tiles="OpenStreetMap", zoom_start=2)
import random

random_start = random.randint(0, 10000)
for i in range(0, 1000):
        location=[data_sample.iloc[i]["latitude"], data_sample.iloc[i]["longitude"]],
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook